Hospital and Health Records
Tasglann nan Eilean holds the records of Western Isles Health Board 1892-2003. This includes records of the Lewis Hospital, Lewis Sanatorium, Lewis and Harris Hospitals Board of Management and the Lewis Nursing Service. Some records of Regional Hospitals Boards and the Scottish Home and Health Department are also held. These are not yet catalogued, but box lists are available.
The types of record held include Health Board administration records, Hospital Registers of Admission, X-Ray books, Operations books, Registers of Tuberculosis Notifications and Waiting Lists. The records of the Lewis Combination and Long Island Combination Lochmaddy Poorhouses also contain information about people with health conditions.
Information about Public Health, the appointment of Public Health Officers and Nurses, and Nursing Schemes set up pre-NHS can also be found in the records of District Committees for each island, and of Stornoway Town Council, which are listed in the local government records section.
Please see this page for an overview of all our archive collections.