Tha eachdraidh mhath aig an t-Seirbheis Dualchais de chom-pàirteachas soirbheachail agus obair pròiseict, an dà chuid gu h-ionadail agus gu nàiseanta thar nan 30 bliadhna a chaidh seachad, a tha air raon de shochairean a thoirt do dhaoine nar coimhearsnachd, cùram chruinneachaidhean agus ar dualchas co-roinnte.

Tha com-pàirteachasan làithreach/o chionn ghoirid a’ gabhail a-steach obair le:
- Leabharlann Nàiseanta na h–Alba – guscruinneachadh Cinema sgìre a dhitseatachadh (ga atharrachadh bho sheann riochd Sony) gus cothrom a bhith annan t-susbaint a chleachdadh agusprògram de ghleidheadh agus dol an sàs coimhearsnachd a lìbhrigeadh.
- Oilthigh Liverpool agus Oilthigh Ghlaschu -‘A’ togail Ath-leumachd Coimhearsnachd tro Choimhearsnachd, Seallaidhean-tìre agus Dualchas Cultarail’ a’ sgrùdadh mar a tha fìor dhroch aimsir air buaidh a thoirt air coimhearsnachdan gu h-eachdraidheil agus mar a tha iad air ath-leumachd fa-leth agus aig ìre coimhearsnachd a leasachadh tro ghrunnan leasachadh agus atharrachadh. https://www.ukclimateresilience.org/projects/clandage-building-climate-resilience-through-community-landscapes-and-cultural-heritage/
- Oilthigh na Gàidhealtachd ’s nan Eilean – ‘Pròiseact Arc-eòlais Bhiortail Uibhist’. Tha am pròiseact didseatach ùr-ghnàthasach seo a’ cruthachadh App anns a bheil ath-chruthachaidhean de sheachd làraich arc-eòlach Leasachadh Fìorachd de sheachd làraich arc-eòlach air Slighe Innse Gall ann an Uibhist agus Beinn na Faoghla. https://www.outerhebrides.uhi.ac.uk/subjects/archaeology/projects/uist-virtual-archaeology-project/
- Comhairle Alba air Tasglainn – ‘Guthan Sgeulachd na Coimhearsnachd’. A’ cruinneachadh sampall de sgeulachdan bho dhaoine a tha air a thighinn a dh’fhuireach dhan sgìre comhairle ionadail againn, a’ sgrùdadh nan adhbharan a ghluais iad an seo agus na fèin-fhiosrachaidhean aca. https://www.scottisharchives.org.uk/explore/community-archives/voices/
Tha mòran phròiseactan com-pàirteachais air àite a ghabhail ron seo agus bha iad a’ gabhail a-steach obrachadh le:
- Scottish Council on Archives Skills for the Future Project (2016-17) https://www.scottisharchives.org.uk/all-projects/past-project/opening-up-scotlands-archives/
- British Museum – Learning Museum (2016-17) com-pàirteachais comhla ri The Atkinson, Southport, Down County Museum, Northern Ireland, Henley River & Rowing Museum, Heritage & Culture Warwickshire (HCW), Time and Tide Museum, Great Yarmouth & Norfolk Museums Service, Plymouth City Museum and Gallery, Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton and Wrexham Museum, Wales https://www.britishmuseum.org/our-work/national/skills-sharing-and-expertise/museum-futures
- British Museum – Knowledge Exchange (2020-21)
- National Museums Scotland – Scotland Creates (2013) com-pàirteachais comhla ri The McLean Museum and Art Gallery Greenock The McManus: Dundee Art Gallery and Museum and The Dick Institute Kilmarnock
View a taste of the exhibition created by young people as part of the project here:
- Museums Galleries Scotland – Heritage Horizons Trainees scheme (2014-16) https://www.museumsgalleriesscotland.org.uk/advice/research/evaluation-of-the-hlf-funded-heritage-horizons-programme/
- Public Catalogue Foundation / Art UK / BBC Your Art (2012) Our collection of oil paintings that were photographed as part of the project can be viewed here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/yourpaintings/2012/12/all-212000-of-the-united-kingd.shtml https://artuk.org/discover/artworks/search/venue:museum-nan-eilean-6584
- Scottish Council on Archives – Voices: The Hebridean Story (2021) https://www.scottisharchives.org.uk/explore/community-archives/voices-the-hebridean-story/
- Between Islands Project – managed by An Lanntair and working in partnership with Shetland Museum & Archive and Orkney Museum Service (2020-21)
- General project information https://www.betweenislands.com/
- Our online exhibition as part of this project can be viewed here: https://www.outerhebridesbetweenislands.co.uk/