Tasglann nan Eilean (Archives)
Booking a visit
Tasglann nan Eilean is the archive service of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the local authority which covers the Outer Hebrides. Our role is to collect, preserve and provide access to the archive collections in our care, which can be used for a whole range of research interests.
The service is based in a purpose-built archive facility adjacent to Lews Castle in Stornoway, which opened in 2016.
The archive reading room is open by appointment. Please contact us to arrange a visit or to seek advice about sources relevant to your research interests.
Preparing for a visit
You are strongly advised to contact us well in advance of a visit so that we can identify relevant material to assist with your research, and to ensure that a space is reserved for you in the reading room.
You will be asked to:
- wash your hands thoroughly before coming into the archive reading room;
- sign in;
- remain in the seat allocated for your research visit;
- bring your own pencil and any other equipment you need.
The wearing of face coverings is optional.
Researchers will be expected to comply with our Reading Room Regulations when consulting original archive material to help ensure its preservation for future generations. These can be viewed or downloaded here:
Location, Parking and Access
The archive is part of the same building as Museum nan Eilean Stornoway. Please follow this link for further information about location, parking, access and other visitor services.
Contact information
email: archives@cnes.gov.uk
Phone: 01851 822750
By post: Tasglann nan Eilean, Lews Castle Grounds, Stornoway HS2 0XS