Archive Service
Tasglann nan Eilean is the archive service of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the local authority which covers the Outer Hebrides. Our role is to collect, preserve and provide access to the archive collections in our care. This includes the historical records of the Comhairle and its predecessors, as well as those of other organisations and individuals connected to the Outer Hebrides which have been gifted or deposited.
The service is based in a purpose-built archive facility adjacent to Lews Castle in Stornoway, which opened in 2016.
If you are conducting research on any aspect of the history of the Outer Hebrides we may have sources that are relevant. Please see our Enquiries page for more information about how we may be able to help.
If you would like to make an appointment to consult the archives for research, please see our Visit Us page for information about how to do this and what to expect from a visit.
You can also view our blog here.