The Heritage Service has a good track record of successful partnership and project working, both locally and nationally over the last 30 years, which have brought a range of benefits to people in our community, collections care and our shared heritage.

National Museums Scotland

Current/ recent partnerships include working with:
- National Library of Scotland – to digitise the Cinema Sgìre collection (converting from obsolete Sony tape format) to make the content accessible and deliver a programme of community curation and engagement
- Universities of Glasgow and Liverpool – ‘Building Community Resilience through Community, Landscapes and Cultural Heritage’ using archive sources, investigating how communities have been affected historically by extreme weather events and how they have developed individual and community resilience through various adaptations and modifications. https://www.ukclimateresilience.org/projects/clandage-building-climate-resilience-through-community-landscapes-and-cultural-heritage/
- University of the Highlands & Islands – ‘Uist Virtual Archaeology Project’. This innovative digital project is creating an App containing Augmented Reality reconstructions of seven archaeological sites along the Hebridean Way in Uist and Benbecula. https://www.outerhebrides.uhi.ac.uk/subjects/archaeology/projects/uist-virtual-archaeology-project/
- Scottish Council on Archives – ‘Voices the Community Story’. Collecting stories from people who have come to live in our local authority area, exploring reasons why they have moved here and their experiences. https://www.scottisharchives.org.uk/explore/community-archives/voices/
Previous partnership projects have been extensive and included working with:
- Scottish Council on Archives Skills for the Future Project (2016-17) https://www.scottisharchives.org.uk/all-projects/past-project/opening-up-scotlands-archives/
- British Museum – Learning Museum (2016-17) partnership including The Atkinson, Southport, Down County Museum, Northern Ireland, Henley River & Rowing Museum, Heritage & Culture Warwickshire (HCW), Time and Tide Museum, Great Yarmouth & Norfolk Museums Service, Plymouth City Museum and Gallery, Royal Pavilion & Museums, Brighton and Wrexham Museum, Wales https://www.britishmuseum.org/our-work/national/skills-sharing-and-expertise/museum-futures
- British Museum – Knowledge Exchange (2020-21)
- National Museums Scotland – Scotland Creates (2013) partnership including The McLean Museum and Art Gallery in GreenockThe McManus: Dundee’s Art Gallery and Museum and The Dick Institute in Kilmarnock
View a taste of the exhibition created by young people as part of the project here:
- Museums Galleries Scotland – Heritage Horizons Trainees scheme (2014-16) https://www.museumsgalleriesscotland.org.uk/advice/research/evaluation-of-the-hlf-funded-heritage-horizons-programme/
- Public Catalogue Foundation / Art UK / / BBC Your Art (2012) Our collection of oil paintings that were photographed as part of the project can be viewed here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/yourpaintings/2012/12/all-212000-of-the-united-kingd.shtml https://artuk.org/discover/artworks/search/venue:museum-nan-eilean-6584
- Scottish Council on Archives – Voices: The Hebridean Story (2021) https://www.scottisharchives.org.uk/explore/community-archives/voices-the-hebridean-story/
- Between Islands Project – managed by An Lanntair but working in partnership with Shetland Museum & Archive and Orkney Museum Service (2020-21)
- General project information https://www.betweenislands.com/
- Our online exhibition as part of this project can be viewed here: https://www.outerhebridesbetweenislands.co.uk/