Education and Schools
Bring Curriculum for Excellence to life with the help of Museum & Tasglann nan Eilean collections and exhibitions. Either through class visits to the museum or archive, loan boxes, online bilingual education packs or lessons.

Bring your Class to Visit
A visit to the museum can be a unique, exciting experience for your pupils and can be used to explore a wide range of topics from our permanent or special exhibition galleries. If your school would like to visit us we have two options:
- General self-led visit The museum is available to visit free of charge for pre-booked school groups. Please contact us in advance to book a timeslot so that we can advise you if it will be a busy time.
- Supported visit Bring your class topic to life with a visit to the Museum or Archive. Our supported visits provides support from a member of our small team. Upon arrival, your class will be welcomed and receive an introduction, clipboards and pencils to use throughout your visit and pre-printed copies of a trail for Primary Schools.
Please note this is only available when staffing allows so please provide plenty of notice.

Loan boxes for your classroom
If your school or nursery would like to borrow one of our self-led loan boxes, for learning purposes in the classroom, please get in touch to book. We have the following boxes on offer:
- Vikings & Lewis Chessmen
- Granny’s Attic
- Childhood Toys
- Herring Girls
- WW2
Loan Period
The loan period is usually one term but can be extended towards the end of your loan, if no one else has booked the box.

Booking Visits or Loan Boxes
When booking please supply the following information:
- Type of request: General self-led visit, Supported visit or Classroom Loan box
- Name of School
- Contact name, email and telephone number
- Year and age group of your class(es)
- Number of pupils in the group
- Number of accompanying adults if applicable (Please note the minimum required ratios are: Nursery 1 adult to 5 children; Primary 1 adult to 10 children; Secondary 1 adult to 15 children)
- Any additional needs or requirements we should be aware of
- Preferred date(s) for visit or loan box
- Preferred start and finish times for visit (if applicable)
- Topics or focus of your visit or loan box
- Any additional questions or information you’d like to supply
Please send bookings or enquiries to museum@cne-siar.gov.uk
Education Packs
Our bilingual education packs focus on aspects of the Outer Hebrides’ rich heritage and culture and promoting access to Museum & Tasglann nan Eilean collections. Therefore, if you can’t come and visit us in person you can download the following resources for use with your classes.
Note: The packs can take a few minutes to download due to file size.